Cindy Sherman Untitled Film Still 35

Cindy sherman untitled film still 35 – Cindy Sherman’s “Untitled Film Still #35” is a captivating and enigmatic photograph that challenges traditional notions of identity, narrative, and societal norms. Through a masterful use of visual composition and narrative ambiguity, Sherman invites viewers to question the boundaries between reality and fiction, and the complex interplay between the female figure and the voyeuristic gaze.

This photograph is a prime example of Sherman’s ongoing exploration of female identity and representation within a patriarchal society. Through her self-portraits, Sherman subverts traditional gender roles and stereotypes, revealing the constructed nature of femininity and the ways in which women are often objectified and marginalized.

Artistic Intent and Context

Sherman untitled still stills moma wikiart

Cindy Sherman is renowned for her conceptual photography that explores issues of identity, representation, and the female gaze. Her “Untitled Film Still” series, created from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, presents staged black-and-white photographs that resemble stills from fictional films.

These images often feature Sherman herself as the sole subject, embodying various female characters and exploring the construction of feminine stereotypes.

The Significance of “Untitled Film Still #35”, Cindy sherman untitled film still 35

“Untitled Film Still #35” (1980) is a pivotal work within the “Untitled Film Still” series. It exemplifies Sherman’s preoccupation with female identity and the cinematic medium. The image depicts a woman in a white dress, standing alone in a dimly lit room.

Her expression is ambiguous, and her body language suggests both vulnerability and strength.

Conceptual Framework

Sherman’s “Untitled Film Stills” challenge traditional notions of photography as a documentary medium. By staging her own photographs and assuming different identities, she blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction. The images question the authenticity of photographic representation and invite viewers to consider the constructed nature of female subjectivity.

Visual Composition and Techniques: Cindy Sherman Untitled Film Still 35

Cindy sherman untitled film still 35

Composition and Lighting

“Untitled Film Still #35” is composed with a central focus on the female figure. The subject is positioned slightly off-center, creating a sense of tension and unease. The lighting is low-key, with a strong contrast between light and shadow. This emphasizes the woman’s isolation and the ambiguity of her surroundings.

Costume and Props

Sherman’s use of costume and props is crucial to creating the narrative of the image. The woman in “Untitled Film Still #35” wears a simple white dress that suggests innocence and vulnerability. She holds a cigarette in her hand, a symbol of both allure and self-destruction.

Voyeuristic Perspective

The photograph is shot from a slightly voyeuristic perspective, placing the viewer in the position of an observer. This perspective encourages viewers to speculate about the woman’s identity and her relationship to the camera. The image challenges traditional gender roles by reversing the typical power dynamic between the male gaze and the female subject.

Narrative and Identity

Sherman 1954 сохранено 1979

Ambiguity and Open-Endedness

“Untitled Film Still #35” is intentionally ambiguous and open-ended. The woman’s expression and body language provide few clues about her thoughts or emotions. This ambiguity invites viewers to create their own narratives about the image, reflecting their own subjective experiences and interpretations.

Construction and Deconstruction of Identity

By assuming different female identities in her photographs, Sherman deconstructs traditional notions of femininity. She exposes the constructed nature of female subjectivity and challenges the idea of a singular, essential female experience. The image encourages viewers to question their own assumptions about gender and identity.

Reality and Fiction

“Untitled Film Still #35” blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction. The image resembles a film still, but it is staged and manipulated by the artist. This duality challenges the viewer’s assumptions about the truthfulness of photography and encourages them to consider the role of the artist in shaping the image.

Cultural and Social Significance

Cindy sherman untitled film still 35

Impact on Photography and Art

“Untitled Film Still #35” has had a profound impact on contemporary photography and art. It is considered a seminal work in the postmodern movement, challenging traditional notions of representation and identity. The image has influenced countless artists and continues to inspire new interpretations and discussions about gender, representation, and the nature of photography.

Reflection of Societal Norms

The image reflects and critiques societal norms and gender roles. It challenges the male gaze and exposes the objectification of women in the media. Sherman’s work encourages viewers to question their own assumptions about gender and identity, and to recognize the power dynamics that shape female representation.

Feminist and Postmodernist Perspectives

“Untitled Film Still #35” is informed by both feminist and postmodernist perspectives. It questions the traditional roles assigned to women and challenges the idea of a singular, essential female experience. The image also embraces the postmodern preoccupation with representation and the constructed nature of reality.


What is the significance of “Untitled Film Still #35” within Cindy Sherman’s body of work?

This photograph is part of Sherman’s ongoing “Untitled Film Stills” series, in which she uses self-portraiture to explore the construction of female identity and the voyeuristic gaze.

How does Sherman use visual composition to create a sense of narrative ambiguity in “Untitled Film Still #35”?

Sherman’s use of lighting, color, and setting creates a sense of mystery and uncertainty, inviting viewers to speculate about the events leading up to and following the moment captured in the photograph.

What is the role of the female figure in “Untitled Film Still #35”?

The female figure in the photograph is both the subject and the object of the gaze. Sherman’s self-portraiture challenges traditional notions of femininity and representation, revealing the ways in which women are often objectified and marginalized.